
东方舞蹈团是东方艺术团另一支活跃的力量。舞蹈团成立十二年来, 勤奋执着, 硕果渐丰: 多次参加《金秋皓月》综艺晚会;两次成功举办舞蹈专场;排演《小城雨巷》、《且吟春语》、《船歌...等多个精品; 曾赴全球华人舞蹈比赛并获奖; 多次与中国来访专业院团同台演出,展示侨界风采。舞蹈团常年拥有团员50余名, 在多名舞蹈老师带领下进行规范舞蹈训练。精益求精、团结奉献的团队精神,使舞蹈团在艺术舞台和社区活动中熠熠生辉。

Dong Fang Dance Group Officially founded in 2005, seeks to cultivate a passion for dance among its members and the Chinese community as a whole. In ardent pursuit of this goal, the group has participated in 8 performances, including... the Autumn Gala and Spring Gala held by Dong Fang Art Group, and two Dong Fang Dance Galas, held in 2008 and 2012, which left indelible marks on their audiences who thanks to many compelling dance pieces. The group has won prizes in the global Chinese Dance Competition and has been highly praised by professional dancers, thereby solidifying their place in the performing arts community. Since its founding, the group’s membership has swelled to more than 50. Thanks to rigorous training, good team-work, and the group’s outstanding and highly accomplished teachers, the Dong Fang Dance Group will continue to flourish.